We are working on a custom coffee table at the moment for @ambient_creative. It's a technical piece. A few of the processes required the template to be fixed to the top side of the top. Namely the turning. The only way I could think to do this was to paper join it. Basically PVA glue the template to the top with a layer of paper between. To remove it, you need to pry the two apart and the paper tears and splits the bond. Inflatable wedges (aka Puffy) doing a great job as usual.#madeinmargaretriver #furnituremaker #handcraftedfurniture #customdesign #customfurniture #perthfurniture #supportlocal #perthinteriordesign #margaretriver #dunsborough #yallingup #stacklam #woodworking #furnituredesign #walnutcoffeetable #inflatablewedge #puffy